Bathing your dog can sometimes be an event. Here are some helpful tips for how to bathe your dog that will help make the process smooth sailing.

Helpful Tips for How To Bathe Your Dog

Around 38% of American households own a dog, which shows we’re passionate about our pooches. 

Although it’s not the most exciting aspect of owning a pup, bathing is essential as it keeps our furry friends smelling fresh and maintains a healthy coat. But there is a method to washing your pup to ensure your efforts don’t go to waste. Perhaps this is unfamiliar terrain for you and you’re looking for inspiration.

Sounds like you? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s how to bathe your dog. 

Know When to Bathe Your Pooch 

If you’re wondering “how often to bathe your dog?”, know it should be once a month unless your pup has been splashing in muddy puddles. But because each breed is different, you should ask your vet or groomer how to best make your dog’s coat shine. Further, avoid overwashing your furry friend as it can dry out their skin and irritate it.

And if you’re struggling with places to bathe your dog, then try the sink, depending on their size, or the tub. Pro tip: start bathing your pup when they’re young so that it’s less hassle later on.  

Find the Right Shampoo and Conditioner 

You’ll need to find the best dog bathing products to ensure it’s the right pH for their skin. And if you’re bathing a puppy, then buy specific products as it will prevent suds from irritating your pup’s eyes. For instance, these veterinary cleaning supplies work great for all breeds of dogs. 

Work from the Neck Down 

Still not sure how to bathe your dog? Then, start working from the neck down. 

Make sure you test the water so that it’s lukewarm and wet your dog’s fur using a shower head or bucket. As a general rule, shampoo your pooch twice as the first time loosens any dirt while the second round gives your pup a deep clean. 

Rinse well and then cover your dog’s body in conditioner before leaving for several minutes. Scrub your dog thoroughly to remove all the soap, otherwise, it could irritate the skin. 

Protect the Ears

One of the top tips when bathing your dog is protecting their ears. Aside from being uncomfortable, trapped water can affect your pooch’s hearing and cause health implications. If you’re worried, then avoid spraying your dog near their face and scrub their ears gently.  

When you’re finished, towel-dry your pup or use a hairdryer in a cool setting. You should also brush your dog’s coat to prevent tangling, a lifesaver if your pup has long hair

How to Bathe Your Dog

Hopefully, you now know how to bathe your dog.

Make sure you bathe your pooch once a month, ease them into bathing when young, and find the right shampoo and conditioner. You should always work from the neck down and protect your dog’s ears to prevent any health implications. Good luck!

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